Ethnic Dance Connection (EDC2)
Dancing As a Second Language - - Mobile: (847)-846-8139 - Skype: (773)-634-9381
Programs & Benefits - Benefits to Health
Dance Promotes A Healthier Lifestyle

Ethnic Dance and Screen Time Reduction to Prevent Weight Gain in Latina Girls (ECHALE)

Sponsors and Collaborators

Purpose of Study

  • A randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of an after school ethnic dance program plus a culturally-tailored, home-based screen time reduction intervention to reduce weight gain (body mass index) among lower socioeconomic status, pre-adolescent Latina girls.

  • Website:

Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practice

Sponsors and Collaborators

  • Pub Date: 05/1999
  • 664 pp Paperback
  • ISBN13: 9780826112392
  • Authors: Carolyn Chambers Clark, EdD, ARNP,FAAN; Rena Gordon, PhD; Barbara Harris, RN, LMT; Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH

Book Description

  • This comprehensive resource of key terms and concepts in complementary health care addresses practices, health conditions, and research-based treatments. Over 300 entries by distinguished contributors to the field explain such alternative therapies as naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, nutrition, and massage.

  • One section is devoted to pertinent issues in complementary health practice including economics, legal ramifications, education, and historical perspectives.

  • Section: Dance (Ethnic) and Movement

  • Website: Click Here for GoogleBooks Reference