Ethnic Dance Connection (EDC2)
Dancing As a Second Language - - Mobile: (847)-846-8139 - Skype: (773)-634-9381
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  1. RIGHT MOUSE CLICK on the name of the file (an active link).
  2. From the menu choices click "Save Link Target As..." or "Save Link As...", saving the document in a folder of your choice.
To Play a presentation file from your browser:
  1. LEFT MOUSE CLICK on the name of the dance music file (an active link).
  2. If you have the appropriate application or plug-in, your computer will play the file according to its file type

Files for Download Comments / Notes
Dance in the Schools Presentation - Power Point Show version (pps) Requires Power Point, Power point Viewer or equivalent
Download Dance in the Schools Presentation - Adobe PDF version (pdf) Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent